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Player Profile for
Aakash Shah

Aakash Shah
School Class of Plays
Singles | Doubles
OTZ Rank
Honors T.R. Web Site
Wins / Losses G.W.%
Dublin Scioto
1 / 3
7 / 6

Current Year Photo - Click to enlarge

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Singles - Match Results for 2023
Date Played Court Opponent Score
Wed, Apr 26
Bagchi Hilliard Bradley Bagchi, Hilliard Bradley 7-6, 6-2
Thu, May 4
Cheung Olentangy Cheung, Olentangy 6-0, 6-1
Tue, May 9
Bradford Gahanna Bradford, Gahanna 6-4, 6-4
Wed, May 10
Tour. Sing
Chum Franklin Heights Chum, Franklin Heights 6-3, 6-0
Doubles - Match Results for 2023
Date Played Court Team Opponent Score
Wed, Mar 29 2nd Double Shah-Smialek Xiao-K.Jiang, Dublin Jerome 6-2, 6-3
Thu, Mar 30 2nd Double Shah-Smialek Hart-Yu, Dublin Coffman 6-4, 6-1
Mon, Apr 3 2nd Double Shah-Smialek Jeunelot-Tran, Westerville Central 6-1, 6-3
Tue, Apr 4 2nd Double Shah-Smialek D.Candella-Oyedola, Westerville South 6-1, 6-1
Thu, Apr 6 2nd Double Shah-Smialek Kohler-T.Shaw, Worthington Kilbourne 7-6, 4-6, 6-3
Mon, Apr 10 2nd Double Shah-Smialek Sinha-Howell, Olentangy Berlin 2-6, 6-1, 7-6
Wed, Apr 12 2nd Double Shah-Smialek Fanning-Fernandes, St. Charles 6-0, 6-2
Tue, Apr 11 2nd Double Shah-Smialek Rausch-Noffsinger, Canal Winchester 6-1, 6-0
Thu, Apr 13 2nd Double Shah-Kunapuli Runser-Amarillas, Franklin Heights 6-0, 6-0
Tue, Apr 18 2nd Double Shah-Smialek Sims-Button, Delaware Hayes 6-3, 6-3
Thu, Apr 20 2nd Double Shah-Smialek Irvine-Hartzler, Big Walnut 6-3, 4-6, 6-3
Mon, Apr 24 2nd Double Shah-Kunapuli Gavin-Muon, Pickerington Central 6-4, 7-6
Tue, Apr 25 2nd Double Shah-Smialek Bohan-Carson, Westerville North 6-3, 6-4

Singles - Match Results for 2022
Date Played Court Opponent Score
Tue, May 10 3 Hampshire, Hilliard Darby 6-4, 7-6

Doubles - Match Results for 2022
Date Played Court Team Opponent Score
Mon, Apr 4 1st Double Desai-Shah Pema-Kane, St. Charles 6-2, 6-0
Thu, Apr 7 1st Double Desai-Shah Young-Sampath, Worthington Kilbourne 6-2, 6-1
Thu, Apr 14 1st Double Desai-Shah Mitchell-Long, Franklin Heights 6-2, 6-1
Fri, Apr 15 1st Double Desai-Shah Vivek-At.Shetty, Olentangy 6-0, 6-1
Wed, Apr 20 1st Double Desai-Shah Dabe-Molina, Delaware Hayes 6-3, 6-1
Thu, Apr 21 1st Double Desai-Shah Acree-Grubb, Big Walnut 6-3, 6-4
Fri, Apr 22 1st Double Desai-Shah Boyce-Heister, Olentangy Berlin 6-2, 7-6
Sat, Apr 23 1st Double Desai-Shah Ryan-Nuss, Gahanna 6-3, 6-2
Tue, Apr 26 1st Double Desai-Shah Bohan-Ogumtuyi, Westerville North 6-3, 4-6, 6-4
Wed, Apr 27 1st Double Desai-Shah Franklin-Candella, Westerville South 6-2, 6-2
Thu, Apr 28 1st Double Desai-Shah Liu-Wiblin, Dublin Jerome 6-0, 6-0
Wed, May 4 1st Double Desai-Shah Wilson-M.Stotridge, Pickerington North 6-3, 6-2
Thu, May 5 1st Double Desai-Shah Filio-Miles, Canal Winchester 6-1, 6-0
Mon, May 9 1st Double Desai-Shah Bethina-Li, Dublin Coffman 6-2, 6-2
Tue, May 10 Tour. Doub Desai-Shah Riegert-Nisthauz, Thomas Worthington 6-1, 7-5

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